Dsc 2538

Golden Jazz Ensemble

The 23rd Western Australian Schools’ Jazz Festival was held on Sunday, 13 August 2017. The festival is run in conjunction with the Australian Jazz Education Association (AJEA).

Churchlands SHS was represented by six ensembles in the festival, which was held at Hale School. The aims of the festival are:

  • To give ensembles an opportunity to play in an outstanding venue.
  • To give ensemble members an opportunity to hear others perform.
  • To provide each ensemble with constructive comments from informed adjudicators.
  • To present to each ensemble a certificate which recognises its participation.

Churchlands ensembles performed really well, receiving very positive feedback, and the senior group (Jazz Orchestra) was awarded “Gold” in the Essentially Ellington division – the top division available at the festival, judged by American adjudicators provided by the Lincoln Centre in the USA (Jerome Jennings & Vincent Gardner).

Congratulations to all students involved, we are very proud of you.

Thank you to Prophotobooth for the great photo, you can find more on their website.

Senior Group awarded Gold

Senior Group awarded Gold
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