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Staff Category

Other Scholarships and Grants

Scholarships are available to permanent full-time or part-time Churchlands staff members for individual professional development.

Grants for the purpose of supporting or funding special events may be accessed by staff. Staff members leading projects or studies in the area of environment, leadership, special focus programs are welcome to apply for funding.

In addition to the listed categories, the principal has discretionary funds that can be awarded for initiatives or projects of a special or individual nature.

Staff Professional Learning

Funding is available for advancing the quality of teaching and learning, and supporting staff professional development. This fund does not replace normal staff development offered by Churchlands SHS or the Department of Education. Permanent full-time or part-time Churchlands SHS staff members are eligible to apply for funding.

Funding may assist with professional development opportunities including, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • workshops and seminars
  • training courses
  • the development and implementation of programs to support learning needs
  • mentorship
  • in-class observation and peer review
  • professional consultation.

Value available: $12 000

Special Event

Funding is available to assist with access to, or the provision of special events for students. Staff may apply for grants to support events including, but not limited to, the following:

  • guest speakers
  • wellbeing programs
  • enhanced educational activities
  • short-term projects
  • competition entries (e.g. STEM events, University Challenges, Robocup).

Value available: $6000

Principal's Discretionary Funds

The principal has discretionary funds that can be awarded for initiatives or projects of a special or individual nature, not covered by other categories.

In addition, the principal's discretionary funding may provide support (of a type not normally payable from school’s operational funding) towards resources and/or extra-curricular activities where deserving students may be prevented from taking part for some reason.

Funding may assist students to access opportunities including, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • camps, excursions or tours
  • purchase of essential sporting equipment or musical instruments
  • cultural exchanges.

Value available: $12 000

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How to submit application pdf0.12MB