In mathematics, students explore ideas about number, algebra, space, measurement, chance and data. They use these ideas along with mathematical ways of representing patterns and relationships to describe, interpret and reason about their and social and physical world. Mathematics lessons play a key role in the development of students’ numeracy, which assist learning across the curriculum.
Students should learn to read, write and speak mathematics in a variety of contexts and forms so that they can understand and convey mathematical ideas, interpret prose containing mathematical forms and continue to use and learn mathematics autonomously. Whether dealing with familiar or unfamiliar tasks they need to:
- recognise when mathematics might help
- choose appropriate mathematical methods
- decide on levels of precision and accuracy
- perform calculations
- interpret the results
- evaluate the reasonableness of results and appropriateness of the methods used.

Churchlands SHS was accredited with a Silver level status as a “Maths Active School” by The Mathematical Association of Western Australia (MAWA) in 2020.The recognition is presented to schools that actively extend students and teachers beyond the normal mathematics classroom.

Churchlands Senior High School has won the 2019 Australian Maths Trust (AMT) Champion School (Government) Award for transforming the school’s Mathematics program. Over the past several years, the Mathematics program at Churchlands has been enriched with greater student engagement in more problem solving, competitions and rich tasks involving Mathematics.
Aims of the Mathematics Learning Area
- encourage students to develop an interest and a liking for Mathematics
- provide a challenging curriculum that fosters appropriate academic and creative development
- provide a supportive environment for the pursuit of excellence
- recognize connections between areas of mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate mathematics as an accessible and enjoyable discipline of study
- develop student initiative in problem solving
- encourage students to take personal responsibility for their work
- ensure that students are confident users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal lives and as active citizens